Our Focus

2nd Amendment 

We are pro 2nd Amendment. We watch and monitor local, state, and federal laws to protect our rights by getting involved with groups like the NRA.

Being Prepared

Actively preparing or being prepared for situations that may affect the stability of home, life, or financial situation.

Be Prepared!


We support our MILITARYVETS & LEOs who risk their lives defending our RIGHT!

As some of us have served, we believe in being civic minded.

Firearms Safety

We train in safe and proper handling of both rifles and pistols. Teaching & practicing marksmanship and self-defence tactics.

Safety is number one, then teamwork!


Ham radio is the go-to communication system for  many search and rescue and emergency groups. With communication being key we like every member to obtain their HAM license.

First Aid/CPR

With first aid/CPR being an important skill  to know in an emergency we train and get certified.

We also discuss the proper supplies and equipment.